" Self Care"

Self Care may sound like an unaffordable luxury to many of us. Most of us are leading busy lives with working a 9-5, taking care of our family, and just trying to maintain some normalcy during these strange and trying times that we're currently in. So the thought of splurging on self care products, soaking in the tub with a cup of tea seems so far fetched. In fact we make the time to take care of everyone else except caring for our own needs. Well I'm here to remind you that you can't pour from an empty cup. You are deserving of self care. In fact it's not optional that you take time to care for yourself. I have found that in small moments of paying attention to how I'm feeling and what my physical needs are, are acts of resistance during difficult moments in my own life. It's as simple as taking deep breaths, exfoliating your skin with a weekly routine of using a body scrub and moisturizing your skin daily with body butter. Being intentional with your daily skin care routine is a great way to incorporate  self care. What will your new self care routine be?

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